Do you feel like you're always starting from scratch with your savings, no matter how hard you try?

I know the feeling all too well. 

While I hustled hard in Dubai, pulling cables, cleaning yachts and selling everything from perfumes to food supplements, I still found myself trapped in a cycle of earning and losing.

Scams, debts, and urgent family medical bills drained every dirham I saved or invested. It took one heart-wrenching setback after another to make me realize something crucial—I had no clear purpose for my money and no solid plan to protect it.

I also realized that achieving financial freedom is not just about making more money, but more about making smart decisions with the money you have.

That's when I decided to turn my financial chaos into a blueprint for success. 

Now, as a certified financial coach, I've transformed my pain into a program to help overseas Filipinos like you thrive financially.


The Path to Prosperity 

Coaching Program

Crafted from real-life hardships and expert insights, 

to guide you toward intentional wealth-building.

By the End of the Coaching Program Expect To..

Gain Control

Take charge of your financial affairs to manage your resources effectively and avoid impulsive decisions.

    Build Confidence

    Gain the assurance to make informed financial choices through increased understanding and skill.

      Be Resilient

      Build the ability to withstand economic shifts and personal life changes without financial distress.

        How the Coaching Program Works

        1:1 Coaching

        This program offers three personal coaching sessions over a year, which can be conducted face-to-face or online, focusing on practical strategies for financial improvement.

          Financial Roadmap

          Receive a comprehensive Excel file detailing your financial situation, complemented by a 20+ page PDF report that explains the data and its implications.

            Ongoing Support

            Enjoy real-time support through WhatsApp, allowing you to ask questions and seek clarifications anytime you need help with your finances.

              Inside the Coaching Program

              Step 1: Gain Clarity

              • Define Your Version of Success: Explore what true success means specifically for you.
              • Overcome Money Blocks: Identify and remove the mental barriers that hold you back financially.
              • Shape Your Financial Purpose: Discover how your unique talents and experiences direct your financial goals.
              • Write Your Financial WHY: Create a powerful statement that keeps you motivated and focused.
              • Assess Your Financial Health: Learn exactly where you stand with your finances today.
              • Set Goals That Match Your Financial WHY: Learn how to create financial targets that are deeply connected to your personal mission and values.

              Step 2: Develop a Plan

              • Manage Cash Flow: Master the art of tracking and optimizing your income and expenses.
              • Handle Debt Wisely: Learn strategies for reducing and managing debt effectively.
              • Build Safety Nets: Establish emergency funds and choose the right insurance to protect against unexpected events.
              • Plan Your Spending: Create a spending plan that reflects your financial priorities and goals.
              • Save Smartly: Develop saving techniques for achieving your short and medium-term objectives.
              • Invest for the Future: Apply low-cost and globally-diverse investing strategies to grow your wealth for long-term goals.

              Step 3: Execute

              • Organize Bank Accounts: Simplify and streamline how you manage your money by organizing your bank accounts effectively.
              • Set Up Brokerage Accounts: Learn how to open and manage brokerage accounts for global investing to expand your financial horizons.
              • Implement Automations: Set up automated systems for payments, savings and investments to make financial management effortless and error-free.

              Step 4: Evaluate

              • Monitor Your Plan: Regularly check the performance of your financial plan to ensure it’s on track.
              • Review and Adjust: Learn how to fine-tune your strategy, making necessary changes to stay aligned with your financial goals.

              It's an investment that pays for itself!

              Prevent Hasty Investment Decisions

              A client who wanted to have multiple condo units but was not aware of the impact of the loan payments.

              Make Sound Career Judgments

              A conversation with a client regarding his next career move that helped him earn 50% more!

              Stop Over-giving

              Learn the best ways to talk to family and friends about money.

              Avoid Investment Scams

              She saved 6K PHP for avoiding an investment scam!

              Avoid Losing Money On Fees!

              Beware of Regular Savings Programs with extremely high fees! For instance, if you invest 10,000 every year for 30 years, expecting an average return of 7%, and pay a 4% fee each year, you'll end up paying a staggering 520,703.63 in fees alone! 

              That's a huge chunk of your potential earnings gone.

              Instead, empower yourself by learning to invest on your own. Keep your hard-earned money working for you, not for someone else. This is why I highly advocate for low-cost, globally-diverse index fund investing.

              About Kuya Jay

              I'm Jay Adrian Tolentino, but you can simply call me "Kuya Jay." I'm a Certified Financial Education Instructor and Financial Coach based in the UAE. My mission is to empower Overseas Filipinos by teaching them how to save, budget, invest, and live life on their own terms through Financial Education and Coaching.

              This journey to financial expertise was paved with challenges, including falling victim to scams, purchasing unnecessary and expensive financial products, losing money due to improper investment strategies, and accumulating debt during my first year as an expat.


              • National Financial Educators Council - Certified Financial Education Instructor℠
              • Chartered Insurance Institute (CII) - Award in Financial Planning
              • Chartered Insurance Institute (CII) - Award in Investment Planning
              • Registered Financial Planner (RFP)
              • Associate Financial Planner (AFP)

              Begin Your Path to Prosperity Today!

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              Path To Prosperity Coaching Program (One-Time Payment)

              ✅Three (3) Coaching Sessions for One Year ✅Personalized Financial Roadmap ✅20+ Page Report ✅Financial Education ✅Real-time Support ✅Unbiased Coaching

              1994.00 AED

              Success! 🥳

              Send Kuya Jay a WhatsApp message now to schedule your first session!

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              Path To Prosperity Coaching Program (Split Payments)

              ✅Three (3) Coaching Sessions for One Year ✅Personalized Financial Roadmap ✅20+ Page Report ✅Financial Education ✅Real-time Support ✅Unbiased Coaching

              997.00 AED

              Success! 🥳

              Send Kuya Jay a WhatsApp message now to schedule your first session!

              What I Can Guarantee

              Money Back If Not Satisfied

              Try the program risk-free with my money-back guarantee if you're not satisfied after the first session.

              Unbiased Guidance

              As your coach, I promise transparency and honesty. I don’t sell financial products or earn commissions, ensuring my guidance is always in your best interest.

              Frequently Asked Questions

              What is Kuya Jay's Financial Coaching Program about?

              This 3-part program is a personalized guide to help you achieve financial freedom. I understand the unique challenges you face and offer practical, experience-based advice to manage your finances effectively.

              Who can benefit from this program?

              Any Filipino or expat who wants to improve their financial situation, whether they’re struggling with debt, seeking better investment strategies, or planning for a financially secure future.

                What makes this different from the usual “free” sessions by Financial Advisors?

                I charge for a fix fee and don’t sell any financial products to earn commissions and to avoid bias. This program is rooted in real experience, not just theory. I've faced the challenges of managing finances and turned my setbacks into lessons.

                How does the program work?

                  The program consists of three sessions spread throughout the entire year. We begin by understanding your financial goals and challenges. Then, I'll guide you through a customized plan that covers budgeting, saving, investing, and preparing for the future.

                  How many hours is needed for this program?

                  The first session usually takes 2-3 hours depending on your situation and the succeeding follow up sessions usually lasts for an hour each.

                  Will the program cover investments like stocks or real estate?

                  In the program, we emphasize balanced and disciplined investment strategies. I don’t teach individual stock picking, options, forex, or any other active trading activities. Instead, I advocate for simple, long-term, and cost-effective global index fund ETFs. This approach allows you to spend your time on things you love doing.

                  I've heard about cryptocurrencies. Does this program deal with them?

                  No, I steer clear of highly speculative investments like crypto. Our focus will be on more stable and proven investment methods.

                  What if I have financial problems unique to my situation?

                  Every session is tailored to your specific circumstances. I'm here to listen and provide advice that directly addresses your unique challenges.

                    What People Say

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